Submission Guideline
1. Publication(1) JICAS (IDEC Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems) publishes four times a year on the first day of January, April, July, and October.
(2) Manuscripts could be accepted at any time. However, the manuscript submitted after the deadline of each issue will be reviewed in the next issue.
(3) JICAS does not charge any fee for publication.
2. Submission(1) Submissions must be done via JICAS online website (
(2) Only manuscripts written in accordance with guidelines shall be accepted. If the manuscript is rejected by not following the guidelines, it would be considered as not submitted.
(3) The date of submission shall be the date uploading the manuscript online, and the manuscripts will be published in order of submission.
(4) Authors must submit “JICAS pledge of Research Ethics and Copyright Transfer Agreement” with the manuscript.
(5) All copyright use of the manuscript belongs to IC Design Education Center (hereafter referred to as IDEC). It is possible to refer to whole or part of the manuscript without approval of IDEC, but must clarify the source.
3. RevisionThe Editorial Committee can require revision of the manuscript to the authors according to the evaluation results.
4. Number of pagesThe number of pages should be about six pages including figures and tables on A4 (21cm x 29.7cm).
5. Content(1) Manuscripts should be based on the result of IDEC MPW (Multi Project Wafer) or other chip designs.
(2) The main content of manuscripts must be know-how of chip implementation on design process, simulation method and so on, rather than a comparison with previous research results or new facts, ideas, and achievements.
6. Writing Format(1) Overall notice
① Manuscripts must be in order of title, author names and their affiliations, e-mail address, abstract, key words, main contents, acknowledgment, references, and biography.
② All the texts of the paper must be in English.
③ All fonts in the paper must be Times New Roman.
④ All alignment must be justified.
⑤ Indent all the beginning of the paragraph.
⑥ Do not put a space between the paragraphs.
⑦ Use double space between the lines of the text.
⑧ Place just one space after the punctuation marks.
⑨ Page margins should be 2.54cm above and below, 1.65cm left and right.
(2) Title
① The title of the manuscript must be 20 point, the author name must be 12 point, and the affiliation and e-mail address must be 9 point.
② The line spacing must be 1.15.
(3) Author
① If authors are more than two people, the first author comes to the front. The corresponding author is indicated by the symbol “(a)” and his e-mail address must be written in a footnote.
② If the affiliation of authors is different from each other, it must be distinguished by the symbols (*, **, etc.).
(4) Abstract
① Abstract is a 9 point boldface in a single paragraph without an enter key.
② Abstract is limited to 250 words.
③ At least five Keywords must be presented as the most essential words in the manuscript.
(5) Main contents
① Main title must be in 8 point with capital letters, 10 point in the main contents, and 8 point in the captions of figures and tables.
② Subtitle must be in 10 point, italicized form.
③ Line spacing must be 1.0.
④ Mathematical expressions in the sentence are written in italics. When the mathematical expressions come out in sequence, they are numbered as (1), (2), and so on.
⑤ Number of chapters in the manuscript must be written in Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV ...), and the number of paragraphs must be written in capital letters (A, B, C, D ...).
(6) Figures and tables
① Put figures or tables on the same page with the text.
② Caption of the figure must be written at the bottom of the figure, and caption of the table must be written at the top of the table.
③ Figures must be clear for printing.
(7) References
① All the documents listed in the reference should be cited in the text.
② Reference number referred in the text should be filled in [] at the top right of the citation.
③ References should be cited in the order of citations.
a. Journal Article : Author(s), “Article title”, Journal title, vol., pp, year.
Example) B. Jeon and J. Jeong, “Blocking artifacts reduction in image compression with block boundary discontinuity criterion”, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 345-357, June 1998.
b. Proceedings : Author(s), “Article title”, Conference Proceedings, Location, pp, month, year.
Example) W. G. Jeon and Y. S. Cho, “An equalization technique for OFDM and MC-CDMA in a multipath fading channels”, in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Munich, Germany, pp. 2529-2532, May 1997.
c. Dissertation, thesis : Author(s), “Dissertation title”, Degree level, school, location.
Example) Jung-Hoon Chun, “ESD Protection Circuits for Advanced CMOS Technologies”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, USA.
d. Books : Author(s), Book title, Publishing company, pp, year.
Example) B. Sklar, Digital Communications, Prentice Hall, p. 187, 1998.
e. Periodicals, magazines : Author(s), “Title”, Publishing company, vol., pp, year.
Example) M. Tanimoto, M.P. Tehrani, T. Fujii, and T. Yendo, “Free-Viewpoint TV”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 67-76, 2011.
f. Patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights : Author(s)/Investor(s), “Name/Title”, Country where patent is registered, Patent number. date.
Example) hillips, Larry B. "Static/dynamic flip-flop", U.S. Patent, No. 5,576,651. 19 Nov. 1996.
g. Newspaper : Author(s), “Article title”, Newspaper, date.
Example) B. Bart. “Going Faster.” Globe and Mail, Oct. 14, 2002.
h. World Wide Web : complete URL
④ If the authors are more than two people, write them as follows.
a. two authors : A and B
Example) Park and Ryu
b. more than two authors : A, B, and C
Example: S. H. Jung, N. S. Jung, J. T. Hwang, and G. H. Cho
⑤ For other references not specified, follow IEEE Citation Style Guide.
(8) Biography
The size of the picture must be 3cm x 4cm.
Attachment(1) Article which is not specified in the guideline shall follow the decision of the Editorial Committee.
(2) The guidelines can be revised by the Committee.
(3) The guidelines take effect as from April 30, 2018.